Welkom bij Ose'le

Broodjes, Take Away/traiteur, Workshop rond specerijen.

At Ose'le we use spices from reliable suppliers to ensure our customers get the best quality. We also make sure producers are rightfully treated. This is very important as spices are still the source of conflicts, this has been the case for centuries. You can find out in-store or during our workshops.

"De reis begint bij jezelf - Verzorg het lichaam en geest..."

Over ons


It is important to mention that Ose'le was made by a team of volunteers, my partner, my children, and incredible friends and artists. I see Ose'le as success story of strongly committed humans bonded by the will to spread happiness in different forms. All within simplicity.

I am a converted chef cook, specializing in world cuisine with good experience gathered for years from my multicultural family and as a globe-trotter. My love and interest in spices began when I was little. A true love story between my grandparents and me. Healthy, home Food was always the center of our conversation.

My dream was to become a doctor. As dreams don't get realized sometimes, at least not how we expect, I decided to leave my work as a carer assistant and went to the cookery school, to learn about the European way of cooking. With this degree added to my baggage of experience, I decided to invest my time and skills in prevention throughout cooking. The concept of Ayurvedic meals around the world cuisine began.

Our body needs spices and herbs to be able to absorb the six tastes that are found in all food. According to Ayurvedic, we need them to have a good balance, but our bodies cannot always digest them. The way we use spices can tell a lot about our personalities and our moods. It is very important to be conscious about that to use spices that our body needs at a very particular moment.

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